8ps of marketing work together in the marketing mix

When you’re thinking about your marketing mix, you’re likely trying to determine how to promote your products or services in the best way possible. There are many different aspects to consider, such as location, price, and people.

The 8Ps of marketing are a symbiotic mix of ideas that work together to make a brand or product successful. They are applicable to any type of business and all types of products. They help marketers think deeply about their target segments.

An excellent way to start evaluating your product’s features is by developing a short list of the qualities your customers will find important or desirable. To use the marketing mix effectively, you must properly categorize your products, services, and offers.

Originally, the four Ps of marketing were product, price, place, and promotion. Later, Booms and Bitner expanded this formula to include processes and physical evidence, and today it is commonly known as the 7Ps of marketing. All marketing strategies need to take into account these different elements.

The 8Ps of marketing lend the right pitch to your product or service by defining your offerings and positioning your brand in the marketplace. This article will help you to decide which ones are most important to your business. You can then determine how to implement them. After all, every aspect of marketing is vital to your business’s success.

8Ps Of Marketing Strategy

1. Product

The marketing mix defines what marketers can control in a marketing campaign. These eight fundamental marketing principles are considered to be the backbone of all successful marketing efforts.

The very first of these elements is the product (or service) itself. Developing the right product for the right market is crucial. Your product must satisfy a need that is specific to your audience.

Besides developing a relevant product, this P also includes effective product management. It involves defining the product and its life cycle, and identifying the key differences from competitors’ offerings. Other Ps – price, image, packaging, and post-sale services – are secondary to the product.

At the same time, developing a brand name that resonates with customers helps speed up shopping. If you have a brand name, your customers will recognize your product easily.

2. Price


The second P of the marketing mix is price. Price is the second most important element in your marketing mix. It is crucial to make sure that your customer is aware of the price before purchasing your product. If they don’t, then your marketing strategy isn’t working as it should.

Price affects the customer’s final decision to buy. A price that’s too high will make your product less appealing to them. It is vital to continually review your price, and sometimes raise it, and sometimes lower it. It’s a proven way to generate profit on every sale. A price that’s just a bit too high will make the product less profitable, and vice versa.

3. Promotion

The next P in your Marketing Mix is promotion. In simple terms, promotion means taking action to increase sales. The way you promote your product or service is important, and it helps improve your bottom line. Promotion includes advertising, public relations, social media, and direct marketing.

Even if you’re promoting a traditional product, it still needs to keep up with the latest marketing technologies. In today’s world, digital marketing has a profound impact on the way people buy products. Your brand can be more visible and accessible, thanks to the power of social media and digital marketing.

4. Place

You probably already know about the 8Ps of marketing, but are you aware of how they can impact your business?

The fourth P, ‘Place,’ is the key to your business success. Place can refer to both the location of the business (physical or online) and the distribution leg that will transfer the ownership of the product from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The purpose of ‘place’ in the marketing mix is to make your product visible and accessible to the target market.

However, your target market characteristics and preferences will determine the location and the distribution channels. That is why where your property is located (downtown, suburbs, etc.) may have more appeal to the clientele than its size or condition if you are in the real estate business. Similarly, if your target demographic is the younger generation, you might want to consider using social media, email marketing, and search engines.

5. People


Marketing your business involves communicating with prospective customers and promoting your product or service. Your brand may not reach its target audience without an effective marketing strategy. The people component includes everyone who works on your product, sells it, and helps your customers.

Neil Borden and John McCarthy introduced the 4Ps (Product, Place, Promotion, and Price) to help entrepreneurs market their businesses by meeting a specific customer need or demand. The next P in the marketing mix – ‘People’ – can be divided into two categories.

The first group includes the employees (also known as the internal customers) working at an organization, while the second one deals with the customers (external stakeholders). While serving the needs of the customers is the very reason your business exists, the employees are the resources whose skills and efforts help you produce and market your offerings.

6. Positioning

The first step to any successful marketing plan is to determine your product’s unique selling proposition. The product can be a soft drink in the beverage industry, a dress in a clothing store, or a software application like Ubersuggest.

A product can also be a service, like consulting, a paid speaking engagement, or a therapy session. Whatever the product is, it needs to stand out from the competition. This is where your creative and evocative advertising can come in handy. Develop an advertising campaign that showcases your product.

A unique positioning is essential to distinguish your product from the hundreds of similar products available in the market. It requires creating a distinct image for your offering that reflects the target audience’s preferences and favorably influence consumer perception.

While 8P marketing is crucial in business, these elements shouldn’t be the only parts of the marketing mix. For example, a lawn-care company can advertise chemicals and offer a referral program to get customers to refer them to their friends. Creating a marketing plan will help you communicate your value proposition and determine the effectiveness of your overall marketing strategies.

7. Processes

Marketing is a multi-faceted process that requires several steps, each with its own purpose. The sixth P – ‘Process’ – stands for a range of activities undertaken to produce, market, and deliver your product offerings. Without these processes in place, it is not possible to manufacture, distribute, or deliver a single product to the target market. In addition, these processes must also be made as efficient as possible and aligned well with your company’s goals and objectives.

8. Performance

Is the product you are offering to the customer a good deal?

If you are a small business owner, you may be struggling to find your unique selling proposition and target your customers. While the 8Ps of marketing can provide a larger framework to guide your marketing planning and decision-making, you need each element to perform well on its own as well as in tandem with other elements in the mix.

Key performance indicators – profit margin, cash flows, brand equity, and growth in revenue – are vital to gauge the success of your promotion efforts. Performance in the marketing mix is used to refer to the activities that help you capture potential financial and non-financial outcomes.

Performance, therefore, help business owners understand how well their products are doing in the market space and how the business is creating value for its target market.

Physical Evidence

Physical evidence refers to the environment that your organization creates for its customers. Your customers use physical evidence to validate your business and brand, so you must create an environment that meets or exceeds their expectations.

For example, if you were an international bank, you wouldn’t set up shop in your CEO’s mother’s basement! Physical evidence includes all aspects of your business, from the physical appearance of your office space to the materials you produce for marketing.


A marketing campaign that combines all of these eight elements will help you reach your target audience faster and better than your competition. Great companies and products constantly refine their offerings and make decisions to outperform their competitors. Your company can learn from this and apply it to your business.

When used together, the 8P marketing strategy can help your business convert potential customers. But they may be overwhelming. If you are looking for trustworthy and reliable services, One Content Pro can help you develop and deliver creative branding solutions to unleash the power of your marketing mix.

Call our experts today and let us build awareness, loyalty, and value for your business.

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